JS311 Week 5 — HACKATHON!

Ben Baron
2 min readMay 10, 2021

How does Node.js handle child threads?

Node.js uses child threads in the background to work asynchronously, but doesn’t expose those threads to the dev.

How can you listen on port 80 with Node?

You can have node set to port 3000, then use the command “sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp — dport 80 -j REDIRECT — to-port 3000”. This will redirect the node application to port 80.

What tools can be used to assure consistent style?

List out the differences between AngularJS and NodeJS.

  • Node.js is a cross-platform run-time environment for applications written in JavaScript language, whereas AnglarJS is an open-source web application development framework.
  • Node needs to be installed on the computer system whereas AnglarJS needs only AngularJS file just like any other JavaScript file to use it in applications.
  • Node.JS is a useful tool to build fast and scalable server-side networking applications while AngularJS is best suited for building single-page client-side web applications.
  • Node.JS is an ideal language for developing small size projects, and AngularJS is an ideal language for creating highly interactive web apps.

What are the advantages of NodeJS?

NodeJS is better for multi-page server side applications, while AngularJS is not suited for more than single page web apps.

What is meant by JSON?

JavaScript Object Notation. It’s used to transmit data between a server and web application.

Discuss your understanding of Agile so far.

Agile seems to me to simply be a different way of managing teams in a business to increase cross-communication between the different parts of the team. I don’t have any experience working in an Agile environment yet, but I’d be interested to see how it differs from more traditional styles of management.

How is scrum different from waterfall?

The main difference in comparing the two methods is:

  • Scrum is value driven, where the plan is formed around the question “what is the most valuable item we can deliver today”.
  • Waterfall produces a plan from which costs, schedule and estimates are created.

What are the Three Amigos in Scrum?

The Business Analyst, Developer, and Tester.

What is the “timeboxing” of a scrum process called? Describe, please.

Timeboxing is where a certain task is only given a certain amount of time to accomplish, which helps with managing open-ended tasks. An example would be conducting research that is necessary for the team to reach a decision or to estimate the size and complexity of an upcoming story.

What are the roles of a scrum master and product owner?

A Scrum Master leads the Agile development team and supports the Product Owner by relaying updates to relevant employees. Product Owners manage the product backlog and ensure the company gains maximum value from the product.

